Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cub A Very Amazing Country With An Interesting Culture And...

Cuba Cuba is a very amazing country with an interesting culture and history. The island of Cuba was discovered by Columbus in 1492 and was claimed for the Kingdom of Spain. When Columbus discovered Cuba, he actually thought he was in India. The Cuban Revolution took place in 1959. This led to the downfall of the regime of General Fulgencio Batista. The Revolution refers to the social and economic programs implemented by the new government and the execution of the Marxist policies. Fidel Castro would become the Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959 after many, long, hard fought battles. He was one of the key players in leading the Cuban Revolution to success. Home to nearly 11 million people, Cuba has a mixed population, with 1% Chinese, 11%†¦show more content†¦The current capital of Cuba is Havana. Cuba is famous for its beautiful beaches. This is one of the most popular forms of tourism in Cuba. The coastlines have soft white sand and the water is an electrifying blue color. They are also known for their coral reefs and cays. There are no plants or animals in Cuba that are poisonous or lethal to humans. The official flower is the Butterfly Jasmine, while the national bird is Tocororo. The official tree is the Royal Palm. The best time to visit the island is from the month of November to April. Cuba enjoys a tropical climate, meaning the weather is hot and humid throughout the year. Tourists should avoid visiting during the rainy season, and also it is occasionally hit by hurricanes, as it does lie in the hurricane belt. Cuba’s main religion is Roman Catholic. Another common religion is Santeria, which is a mixture of Yoruba religion of the African slaves, and the Native Americans. Membership in Protestant churches is about 5%. For the past forty years, education has been a top priority for the Cuban government. Cuba keeps a student to teacher ratio of 12 to 1. Teachers are very active in their communities. They build strong relationships with parents and the families to enhance the learning process. Equal opportunity for a high quality education for all students is a key factor in the success of their education. Many schools open at 6:30 am and close at 6:30 pm,

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Kid s Gardening Classes For Summer 2008 - 1788 Words

Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 are the perfect solution for an adventure for the young gardener in your home. Summer Camp for the Young Horticulturist is a great opportunity for kids to join their peers who also enjoy working in the garden and cultivating new life through growing plants. Having the ability to grow something is a special talent and kids with Green Thumbs know well the fulfillment of watching a plant grow from a seedling to a full-fledged plant. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 provides a unique environment among others who love and enjoy the art of gardening under the tutelage of an experienced gardener. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 will be held June 23rd through 27th between the hours of 9:00AM and 12:00PM. This particular class is designed for children between the grades pf 2nd to 4th. The fee for attendance in the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 is $150.00 per child. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include a well- rounded curriculum including learning to grow fruits, vegetables and flowering plants. Campers learn all the basics of gardening including learning about the life cycle of nature. Other important aspects learned in the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include learning about nutrition as it pertains to fresh vegetables. Other learning aspects of the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include campers learning how to start a raised garden bag, working with organic pestShow MoreRelatedUAE Consumer Lifestyle Analysis42818 Words   |  172 PagesAmongst UAE Consumers 3 Generation of Newly Thrifty UAE Consumers 3 Rental Rates Plummet Across the Uae, Adding To Consumer Disposable Income 4 Environmentally Friendly Consumers on the Rise in UAE 5 Consumer Segmentation 6 Babies and Infants 6 Kids 7 Tweenagers 7 Teens 8 Twenty-somethings 10 Thirty-somethings 10 Middle-aged Adults 11 Older Population 12 Table 1 Consumer Segmentation: 2005-2009 12 Table 2 Consumer Segmentation: 2010-2020 13 People 13 Population 13 Marital Status 14 Read MoreAccounting 1-4 Chapter100452 Words   |  402 Pagespersonal legal liability: Corporation. Tax advantages: Sole proprietorship and partnership. Easier to transfer ownership: Corporation. Action Plan †¢ Know which organizational form best matches the business type, size, and preferences of the owner(s). Action Plans give you tips about how to approach the problem. Related exercise material: BE1-1 and Do it! 1-1. Users and Uses of Financial Information The purpose of financial information is to provide inputs for decision making. AccountingRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pageselectronic music of the gay clubs of Chicago and New York. The new style had been picked up by British DJs in Ibiza, who combined it with the drug Ecstasy to create a new ‘blissed-out’ sound. Dance music arrived in the UK during 1988, the so-called ‘Second Summer of Love’, strongly associated with recreational drugs. By the early 1990s, drug-dealing in its most ugly sense had become part of the dance culture. Palumbo recalled: When I came into this business, with my bonuses and my nice City suits, I was completely

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Thomson (Easysource) Development of an E-Procurement System Free Essays

What business is the organization in? Thomson is a French company, created in 1883, whose headquarters are in Issy les Moulineaux, near Paris. It is specialized in the conception and the manufacturing of digital images and videos systems. The company developed itself in the world to be present in different countries, such as Italy, India, China, Spain, USA, Belgium and UK. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomson (Easysource) : Development of an E-Procurement System or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has about 73 000 employees dispatched over 230 sites, including more than 60 factories. Its sites are distributed around 10 countries but the company sells its goods and services to 100 countries. We can also notice that Thomson is a real leader in the innovation system, as it owns 35 000 patents worldwide representing around 6 000 inventions. The group sells its products and services through 4 major brands which are Thomson, RCA, Grass Valley and Technicolor. The 2 last brands allowed the company to take advantage of the digital technology’s global transition In the late 80s and the early 90s, Thomson was dedicated to Electronic oriented activities for both everyone and activities oriented to professional. After different plans of restructuration and reorganization, in 1997, Thomson decided to focus on the production of key components and electronic products (representing about 98% of its turnover). Since 2000, the company opens to the Medias and entertainment industry focusing on creation, management and content distribution. Thomson’s aim is about becoming a leading worldwide group of integrated solutions for media and entertainment industries. In order to gather this goal, Thomson decided to turn to e-procurement in 2001. What products are bought via e-procurement? In order to well understand the company we are going to develop the main purchases operated by the group. We have the production purchases (such as the electronic components, material and so one), that represents 70% of the total purchases. Then, we have the non-production purchases (maintenance, transportation and so one). Thomson developed its e-procurement system, with EasySource, around this second kind of purchases. Indeed, non- production purchases are divided as follow: oNon-production purchases outside EasySource: Licenses, Guarantees, Customer Marketing, Other. Non-production purchases inside EasySource: oTransport, oEnergy, oSoftware, oIT and Telecoms, oProperty and tenant services, oExternal services, oMarketing, communication and advertising, oManufacturing supply, oInvestment, oTravel oOther So, those non-production purchases are items that are difficult to manage for companies as they are really diversified and need to be well analyzed. As a consequence they are very co stly as they need competent people to deal with them and quite a lot of people due to their diversification. That is why Thomson has recourse to e-procurement with EasySource for such purchases What savings were realized? The following shows that the solution at its completion should bring 150 million of euros: EasySource allows Thomson to save around 80 million per year. First, we can look at the following table showing us a few results from before and after the use of EasySource by Thomson: â€Å" Before EasySourceAfter EasySource Active suppliers per buyer10050 Percentage of active suppliers approved by the State10,0%100,0% Percentage of purchases generated with small suppliers40,0%10,0% Percentage of transactions via e-commerce3,0%60,0% Percentage of purchases under agreements50,0%95,0% Number of suppliers for indirect purchases360007000 % of indirect suppliers which represent 90% of the total amount of purchases30,0%10,0% † Such data easily show us the great impact that Easysource had on the company. For example the number of active supplier per buyer was divided by 2. Moreover, Transactions via e-commerce went up from 3% to 60%. E-commerce is much more profitable to company as it cost much less than traditional commerce. How were those savings realized? By implementing EasySource, Thomson developed a unique centralized tool for every user that brings important savings for the company. There are 3 main points that explain how those saving were realized. The first one is the control of the purchase condition. Indeed, it is easier to explain et order exactly what you want, avoiding mistakes. You can also negotiate ask to different suppliers and see which one offer you the best program. Then, you have a global improvement of the running. As everything is taking place on a unique platform, it is easier to make sure for example that you can have what needed or to compare the products through different suppliers. Finally, last but not least, the system allows the improvement of the productivity such as the reduction of the number of suppliers. And it make it easier to change of suppliers when findings others more profitable. EasySource was first develop in 2001 and followed 3 steps. The â€Å"Pilot phase† was quick as it wanted to show that the concept was realistic and would bring many advantages to the company. It was also to see and learn how he system worked. So, Thomson developed the process on 3 key areas (Asia, Europe and America) and enrolled the 10 major suppliers of each of those areas. The second phase was the â€Å"large-scale deployment phase† aiming to develop the solution worldwide. It lead 3 stages at the same time : implementing he concept on 110 sites, massive enrollment of the suppliers while rationalizing and focusing on ad hoc purchasing rather than catalogue purchasing. Finally, the last step was â€Å"the capitalization and user adoption phase† that allow EasySource to become today the common and unique solution for non-production purchases. For this final stage the main point was to convince everyone to use EasySource for their transactions and to improve the use rate per family of product. To conclude all those points allow a better understanding and following of the purchases. In other words, it means a gain about money through the reduction of management costs and the negotiation and validation processes What problems occurred during the implementation process? The major problem faced by the company, while implementing the process, was to catalogue all the suppliers. Indeed, the suppliers for non-production purchases are numerous and complex due to the large panel of family products. Then another problem that occurred was the access to the networks and to Internet. It might was already present on some areas, but it was also needed all over the world where the company is present. So, Thomson had to modernize its network infrastructures, as it was the first trial of some intranet database for the group. Thomson also add to inform both its workforce, suppliers and buyer to its new system. This problem was easily compensated thanks to a strong communication strategy and a real effort to get the portal o be easily used and understood by its users. How to cite Thomson (Easysource) : Development of an E-Procurement System, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Pages book review free essay sample

Common Sense, and the Turning Point to American Independence. Running Press. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2003. Imagine having a front row seat, or better yet, a hand in what Is considered to be the one of the greatest moments In history. Scott Lull Is able to provide his audience that experience through his written account of the spectacular events that led to the signing of The Declaration of Independence. The authors task is to try to put into words the frustrations of Englishman Thomas , who is well versed in what is going on in the world of politics. He is fed up with the Iron fist ruling methods of the British government, and wants change. At the recommendation of . Benjamin Franklin, Pain embarks upon a Journey to the American colonies arriving in Pennsylvania in late 1775 to explore the available opportunities (43). Ultimately landing a job as a ghost writer for a new monthly publication, it Is here that Pain realizes that people are interested in what he has to say. We will write a custom essay sample on Pages book review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He has found an outlet for his voice as a political advocate and is becoming popular amongst his peers (51). The essential challenge Is America gaining Its Independence from the British tyrannical ruler-ship. This is developed because commoners realized that they really had no voice in a monarchical government that was essentially ruled by the king and parliament (75-76). This is further developed in the text as the Americans realize that they are entitled to their liberty and independence.The author shows how Paint, as a writer, is able to make valid argument for the people and publish a piece of work that gets the attention they need to have their voices heard. HIS thesis of America being entitled to Its Independence Is tested by the popularity of Thomas political writings, and proven by his publishing of 46 Pages. This book is extremely significant in confronting the issue of Americas independence in 1776. It shows that the tenacity of one person working towards change can be highly effective If they can validate their arguments.Lisles presentation of Thomas story Is presented In a scholarly fashion. It Is well written, and very informative. Lisles style of writing is very detailed; it gives a sense as if he were witnessing the events he wrote about. Thomas presentation of 46 Pages is also written in a scholarly fashion because it is informational to its audience of that time period. In my opinion, the text does not show signs of bias; however, there is a as well his general knowledge of history.Being an immigrant who fled because of British rule, Thomas uses his firsthand experiences as his source to plead his cases of unfairness and oppression. The book is coherent, logical and it gives an in- depth look at the early years of Thomas , and follows him chronologically throughout his history-making Journey. The book seems to be intended for the general public because students will gain knowledge from its contents and the mature audience will gain an appreciation for the efforts that were put into the process of life and liberty in America. I would recommend this book to others because of its informational value. I found facts about . Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and ultimately Thomas that I was not aware of before reading the book. Other scholars that have reviewed this book consider it a must read and call it a pivotal piece of literature because of its informational value and its significant role in the signing of the Declaration of Independence.